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Dont be like that kev
Yes at some point somebody is not going to be in the favoured eleven who probably believes they should be. I presume its not just case of picking the best eleven players but picking the best to play the system you want to play. That could be 343, 442 or even 433. I also presume you may need a different systems against different teams. The managers must be sell the squad system to all the players who must decide if they want to be on the journey or not. I know who I think should play at the moment but its Martins decision and I might just wait till closer the season to make my final decision.
I am starting to get an idea of the team I would like to see but I need to see Kalern Thomas in action first because I think he could be very good.
We might have to rotate regularly to keep players happy.
Dont like rotate. Play well keep your place
I think by time we get to the last pre season game we may have an idea of what team we are going to see away at Tamworth. Then again last season the line up against Stamford in the opening game was very unexpected and looked what happened there!
Whatever happens we will all love every minute!
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