Vince Fletcher tribute posted on Derbyshire Live
Derbyshire football club devotee hailed as a local 'legend' after his death
A Derbyshire dad, who was volunteering until the day before he died, has been described by his community as a "legend". Vincent Fletcher, from Ilkeston, sadly died in his sleep at the age of 71 on Sunday, September 25.
Mr Fletcher spent much of his time volunteering at Ilkeston Town FC. He was well-known and much-loved by the club's owner and fellow fans.His son, Scott Fletcher, 46, a funeral director, said: "He was just a lovely caring bloke, he was my best mate. I'll still go back to Ilkeston Town Football Club but it won't be the same without him. He was absolutely besotted with Ilkeston Town, it was his life. If you opened his wardrobe it would just be full of Ilkeston Town jackets.”
Scott said his father had caught Covid last October and spent three weeks in intensive care, and while he continued to volunteer at the football club, Scott said he was never really the same after he caught the virus. Since his death, a number of people have paid tribute to him.
Mark Frost, ITFC Head of Operations, said: "Legend is used far too often these days, but he was a true Ilkeston town legend. We all just expected him to be here forever, we'll miss that smiling face on matchday, that eagerness to help others - it's going to be hard to replicate that. "Vince was Mr Grassroots Football himself - he epitomised everything that was good about grassroots football. He was quick to help others, he'd do anything that he thought could add value to the club, he was a face around town, and everyone knew him. "He lived and breathed the place. If you walked up Bath Street, you'd probably find Vince talking about his football club.”
Ilkeston Town will pay tribute to Mr Fletcher with a one-minute applause. His grandson, Josh, will also be reading out the team listings at the game on Tuesday, October 4.
Correction: An earlier version of this story said Vincent Fletcher died on Wednesday, September 28, which was the date given by Scott Fletcher. Another family member later contacted Derbyshire Live to clarify that Mr Fletcher is in fact believed to have died overnight on Sunday, September 25. Vincent Fletcher (left) was much-loved by the Ilkeston community (Image: Scott Fletcher)
Vince is pictured with another Ilkeston Town legend Donald Orchard
Last edited by Matchman (04/10/2022 12:37 AM)