Mon 28 Nov 2022 - 09:44AM
Tamworth Football Club was shocked to be informed about a comment made on the Unofficial Tamworth Supporters Facebook page about Morgan Hehir, a young Nuneaton Borough Supporter who was tragically killed in 2015. Tamworth Football Club send our heartfelt condolences to the family of Morgan and totally condemn the comment. There is no place for comments of this disgraceful nature.
The supporters facebook page is totally independent of the Football Club and we ask that the moderators of the site remove this comment immediately and ban the person from using the page in the future. As a Football Club we will be discussing the post with the appropriate authorities and action will be taken.
We would remind supporters that any behaviour, chants or comments that bring the name of Tamworth Football Club into disrepute will not be tolerated and action can and will be taken to remove individuals from accessing any activities that are based at the Lamb, as well as discussing action that can be taken by the Police. We fully support the Love Football Protect the Game Campaign being run by the Football Association to tackle antisocial and criminal behaviours within football. We ask all fans to come together to show that those who behave in such a manner do not represent the majority of supporters.
Well said Tamworth FC
Be interesting to see what they did after our bus being smashed up by their fans.