Come on john shields. Lets have our top 10s
Most games
Most goals
Biggest gates
Lowest gates (that would be interesting to see)
Give you something to do because i bet your snowed in now after moving up northđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚
Hope you are well mate?
Hi Alex. For which club?era do you want fancy some stats for? A warning though since Danny left the media team do nat have access to InDesign the program that I used to produced the programme and the one that the stats are all on. I may have some saved as a pdf. I could start with Ilkeston Town 2017 version as a start. Duncan Payne is the best source of accurate stats before that date but he may not want to get involved again. Duncan website is traceable through Wayback and if you want I could send you a link. Its a tremendous site and as usual Duncan produced a brilliant archive of Ilson stats and figures.  One day we willed to  persuade/bully/cajole him  to get it back on line!
I say from when dave and andy took over
I will set to it although I do have to watch Alnwick Town on a regular basis. Bar fronts right on to the pitch so you can sit drink and watch the game and stay warm and dry. The crowds are small so its like a private box! They are playing a team three divisions below them in a cup tie on Saturday. And this team Stocksfield have only one point all season. What do you mean you have never heard of Stocksfield!!
We could do a series of top tens. How about this one - Top ten of the most famous people to play for Ilkeston Town or Ilkeston FC? Give me your top ten and compare it with a list I have done!
1. Daley Thompson
2. Mark Walters
3. Che Adams
4. Jamie ward
5. Keith Alexander
6. Kenny burns
7. Steve chettle
8. Paul Raynor
9. Nicky law
10. Lee tomlin
Bloody Hell Alex have you hacked in to my computer?
I will publish my list tomorrow but to be honest you have already done most of it!
I can do another 10 to make it top 20
My Top Ten Famous Players
Top Ten Ilkeston Most Famous Players
Daley Thompson
Kenny Burns
Che Adams
Mark Walters
John Tudor
Jamie Ward
Leroy Lita
Steve Chettle
Charlie Hartfield
Keith Alexander
Another 10
11. Ben Pringle
12. Nigel jemson
13. Ash hunter
14. Akil wright
15. Alan Young
16. Tony hemmings
17. Mark lever
18. Chris marplas
19. Charlie bishop
20. Carl heggs
With a bit of help i might be able to do another 10. The good thing is these are all players i have seen play for ilkeston
Another Top Ten
Top Ten Ilkeston Most Famous Managers
John McGovern
Leighton James
Keith Alexander
Kevin Wilson
Jamie Ward
Steve Chettle
John McGinlay
Paul HirstÂ
David Holdsworth
Gavin Strachan
No kevin wilson!
Whats that all about
Sorted See Above! Don't tell Kev he will none too impressed!
Give me another topic?
Top ten strikers?