Club Statement Jan 24, 2023
A statement from club chairman, David Hilton.
”It is with deep sadness I have to resign my position as the Club Chairman with immediate effect.“An opportunity has arisen for me to help navigate another club away from an unthinkable fate and hopefully assist them in getting back to where they belong.
“My time at Ilkeston has been an unbelievable one. I’ve met some wonderful people over the past few years and sadly lost a few along the way. The memories of it all will remain with me forever.“I’m completely comfortable leaving the club in the condition that it is now in. I’ve delivered on all of my promises and finally you have a club that can sustain at a good level without the risk of losing it.
“The facilities are something we should all be extremely proud of. “The playing squad and coaches are undoubtedly one of the strongest at step three. More importantly they are all great people too and will certainly be trying their very best to deliver success.
“I have many people to thank at the club which include my business partner and friend Andrew Nally who you all know. Andrew will now step up and be solely responsible for the running of the club. “I would like to thank all of the players and management with whom I have been involved, and Mark Frost in particular, as everything we have achieved would not have been possible without him. Mike and Kelly Pike have also played a key part and they always have the best interests of the club at heart.
There are many more I owe so much gratitude to and they all know who they are. “This is certainly not the last you will see of me, I will follow the club with the same passion and interest I’ve always had since 2019 when I first invested, albeit frequently from afar. I want the club to continue being successful, every last one of you deserve nothing short of that and I am sure with Andrew, and so many other good people at the club, this will be delivered sometime soon. “Carry on supporting the club as you always have. The support you have shown not just to the club but to me personally has been truly remarkable and I’d like to say a massive thank you to you all, this includes all the hard working volunteers who do so purely out of love.
Apart from myself leaving, the club is completely unaffected and will continue to be driven forward and grow, with the juniors’ continued expansion being the key to that. Inevitably it will be your backing that makes anything possible. I am only sorry and saddened that I now have to step away from your journey. “I send well wishes to you all and good luck for the future.”
David Hilton
Last edited by Matchman (24/1/2023 4:08 PM)
Hope we are not going back to the old days! It will be interesting to hear where Dave might be going. Scunthorpe or Stalybridge would be my favourites but it may be closer to home. Can anybody think of a club in dire straits? Please don’t say Ilkeston Town because I want a good nights sleep. Most of the media team knew nothing of this development!
Am i surprised ? NO why ? mainly because we all know that Dave was trying take over Bury but that fell through , so no surprise he`s gone for another club.
Like everyone else i massively thank him for what he has done for the club and the fans. He has been inspirational to us all with Andy in building a club back up to where it belongs . The ground improvements have been out of this world because we all know the ground was becoming really tired . The hoardings , the pitch, the floodlights and other parts of the ground have been brought back up to date as new doors and windows in the clock tower and the clubhouse , plus we have cctv etc . Sadly the latest venture of the new stand looks like it wont happen but its not the want of trying.
Dave and Nally have brought us success on the field with promotions with us just of the play off places but i personally think we wont make it so thats up to the management and players to prove me wrong .
Will Andy stay with us ? That i really dont know but Andy and Dave go back a long way so again in my opinion i think he will go . Hopefully will get a statement off Andy in the near future .in what his plans are and if there will be any further improvements to the ground , hopefully the clubhouse as its a little tired in places
Whatever happens we have got to even more stand by the club as its the best its been for years Hopefully Andy will stay but lets see. .
I was going to ask Dave for his number plates but no doubt i couldnt afford them but i would love them . lol
So Dave I THANK YOU for all what you have done and achieved at the club and for all our chats . All the best in the future !!!!!!!!!
Can we have reals back now ????? (private joke between myself and Dave ) lol lol
My first reaction was shock horror but all things good or bad eventually come to an end.
Dave has put so much time and money into club. We have a superb new artificial pitch which earns us money and massive ground improvements. He has done more for ITFC than any other owner.
I think Dave was disappointed with the drop off in attendances this season. He must have been hoping that last years average gates of nearly a thousand per game would be maintained or exceeded at Step 3 and it hasn’t happened.
Dave indicated that nothing will change following his resignation as Chairman so I don’t think there is any immediate reason to panic but I do expect Dave’s relentless determination to get us into the National League will now start to wane.
I don’t know what our current player wage bill is but after all of the big name signings we’ve made it must be unsustainable over a long period. So if we’re really going for promotion I think that it has to be this season. Next season the wage bill has to be reduced to a more sustainable level.
Personally I’m happy at Step 3 which is still a decent standard and one that we can remain competitive at.
We now have Andrew Nally at the helm and we still have Mark Frost controlling the finances so we move forward into our next phase with optimism.
Will Dave`s departure effect our sponsorships in the future ?
Will Andy stay for the future ?
Will we expect the players with very high wages to depart ( i think so and in the near future ).?
Will we expect a fans forum to clarify where the club stands in the future / ( i`am hoping so) ?
these are just a few question that myself and other fans are thinking at this moment . This always happens when you have one part of a partnership leaving in any club its only normal. Yes there will be panic amount fans especially what we have been through before more so others .
So i am hoping for maybe a fans forum or a statement from Andy but i wont push for as it wouldnt be right to do so.
According to Companies House Andy Nally is now the sole director and possibly owner of Ilkeston Town Football Club. I think we can presume from that that Andy is staying!
Andy Nally to join Dave Hilton at Scunny and Alan Hardy back at Ilkeston?
Trowell Nicky wrote:
Andy Nally to join Dave Hilton at Scunny and Alan Hardy back at Ilkeston?
Noooooooooooooo .
But didnt Hardy and a few more guys out in a bid for Scunny? Sure I seen it on the news about it .
Yes, he did put a bid in. Obviously on the lookout for another club.
Hardy bid for Iron looks set to end in failure |
MA🆁🅺 🅵🆁O🆂🆃 Retweeted
Scunthorpe United@SUFCOfficial
David Hilton has been appointed as the new chairman and owner of Scunthorpe United Football Club with immediate effect.
Last edited by Matchman (25/1/2023 5:59 PM)
Dave has confirmed : Andy Nally is not leaving Ilkeston. Nothing changes
Andy has confirmed : I’m here to stay guys! In terms of ambition nothing changes. A statement will be out tomorrow. Up the Ilson.
Last edited by Matchman (25/1/2023 9:01 PM)
Matchman wrote:
Dave has confirmed : Andy Nally is not leaving Ilkeston. Nothing changes
I can understand why myself and all if the others were worried though . After what has gone off years gone by you can fully understand their concerns .
Dave is taking over from Peter Swann who also was a director at a non league club before taking on Scunthorpe. He was a director at Gainsborough Trinity. Hopefully will have more joy than Peter Swann did at taking the Ironmen forward.
My only concern for Ilkeston is on the finance front. I am presuming the club are not self sufficient yet and depend on moneys put in by Dave and Andy. If that’s the case does Andy have the same access to funds on his own. He is still a joint owner/director of Cohen Maxwell and Church Street Holdings with Dave so these two companies must generate money that Andy can access.
Maybe I’m just cynical having watched the club go through the Chek Whyte and Alan Hardy eras and felt the pain it caused people who cared about Ilkeston Town. I’m sure Andy will calm all our fears by taking us forward in the coming years.
I must though just say Dave and Andy are responsible for this club still existing as we were heading into oblivion before they got involved. So thanks for everything Dave and Andy we are right behind you!
National League Result Tonight:
Halifax 0 Scunthorpe United 1
Scunthorpe are off the bottom with a win at Halifax. It's the David Hilton effect
Last edited by Matchman (25/1/2023 8:25 PM)
Dave Hilton's first interview following the Scunny takeover ...