Club Update: Marske United FC Ltd
Conner Kacpersk. 30 Nov -
We are pleased to confirm that as of today, the new venture, Marske United FC Ltd have taken over control of the day to day running of the club.
As previously announced, the directors of Marske United Football Club Limited are Craig Gibbin, Paul Hart and Mark Hastings-Long.
Additional directors will be announced in due course.
We can also announce that the current Executive Committee members and Chairman have stepped down, with their roles to be taken over by the new Limited Company’s Board of Directors.
The sale of the shares in Marske United Football Club Limited will now go live in the coming days and a brochure outlining the process will be sent to those who have already expressed an interest in acquiring shares. Those who have not already expressed an interest in acquiring shares, but wish to find out further information can do so by filling in the form below
We are also pleased to announce that a new venture season ticket covering all remaining home league games will be unveiled soon and we look forward to sharing more details on this in the next few days.
Lastly we would like to pay tribute to our volunteers, players, coaches, club partners and most importantly the fans for their support and patience during this period.