League table after matchday 1
1st Alex,wbp,Kev £3.80p
4th plymrob,matchman,silverfox and matchman - £1
League table after matchday 2
1st wbp £6.40
2nd Alex, Kev £2.80 ⬇️
4th matchman, sliverfox, trowell Nicky, plymob -£2
Last edited by Alex (14/8/2024 3:40 PM)
League table after matchday 3
1st wbp £9.90p
2nd Alex , Kev £1.80p
4th trowell Nicky, plymrob £1.50p
6th silverfox, matchman - £3 ⬇️
League table after matchday 4
1st wbp £8.90p
2nd sliverfox £1 ⬆️
3rd Alex,Kev 80p ⬇️
5th trowell Nicky, plymrob 50p⬇️
7th matchman - £4 ⬇️
What a turn around for 'silverfox'. As for 'matchman'... what does he know! I know humble pay awaits....
League table after matchday no 5
1st wbp £7.90
2nd sliverfox £2.53
3rd Alex and Kev £2.33
5th trowell Nicky £2.03
6th plymrob -50p⬇️
7th matchman -£2.47p
League table after matchday 6
1st wbp £6.90
2nd sliverfox £1.53
3rd Alex and Kev £1.33
5th trowell Nicky £1.03
6th plymrob - £1.50
7th matchman - £3.47
1st time this season everybody got it wrong
League table after matchday 7
1st wbp £8.81
2nd sliverfox £3.44
3rd trowell Nicky £2.94 ⬆️
4th plymrob 41p ⬆️
5th Alex and Kev 33p ⬇️⬇️
7th matchman -£4.47p
League table after matchday 8
1st wbp £10.48
2nd sliverfox £5.11
3rd trowell Nicky £4.61
4th Alex,Kev £2 ⬆️
6th plymrob -59p ⬇️
7th matchman - £5.47p 😱
League table after matchday 9
1st wbp £9.48
2nd sliverfox £8.91
3rd trowell Nicky £8.41
4th Alex £5.80
5th Kev £1 ⬇️
6th plymrob - £1.59p
7th matchman - £6.47p
League table after matchday 10
1st wbp £8.48
2nd sliverfox £7.91
3rd trowell Nicky £7.41
4th Alex £4.80
5th Kev £0
6th plymrob - £2.59
7th matchman - £7.47
League table after matchday 11
1st sliverfox £10.16p ⬆️
2nd trowell Nicky £9.66p ⬆️
3rd wbp £7.48p ⬇️⬇️
4th Alex £7.05p
5th Kev £2.25p
6th plymrob - 34p
7th matchman -£8.47p 😭
League table after matchday 12
1st sliverfox £9.16
2nd trowell Nicky £8.66
3rd wbp £6.48
4th Alex £6.05
5th Kev £6
6th plymrob - £1.34
7th matchman - £9.47
League table after matchday 13
1st sliverfox £8.16
2nd trowell Nicky £7.66
3rd wbp £5.48
4th Alex £5.05
5th Kev £5
6th plymrob - £2.34p
7th matchman - £10.47p
League table after matchday 14
1st trowell Nicky £9.76 ⬆️
2nd sliverfox £7.16 ⬇️
3rd Alex £7.15 ⬆️
4th wbp £4.48 ⬇️
5th Kev £4
6th plymrob - £3.34p
7th matchman - £11.47p
Thank goodness I have not seen Ilkeston play since the 1990s... This a friendly ask... How are you dealing with it 'Matchman'?
plymrob wrote:
Thank goodness I have not seen Ilkeston play since the 1990s... This a friendly ask... How are you dealing with it 'Matchman'?
I think that's ten consecutive incorrect scores for me. Absolutely incredible. It must be a record.
You have got 1 right
League table after matchday 15
1st trowell Nicky £8.76
2nd sliverfox £6.16
3rd Alex £6.15
4th wbp £3.48
5th Kev £3
6th plymrob - £4.34p
7th matchman - £12.47 😭😭😭
League table after 16 games
1st Alex £9.75 ⬆️⬆️
2nd trowell Nicky £7.76 ⬇️
3rd Kev £6.60 ⬆️⬆️
4th silverfox £5.16 ⬇️⬇️
5th wbp £2.48 ⬇️
6th plymrob - £5.34
7th matchman - £13.47
League table after 17 league games
1st Alex £8.75
2nd trowell Nicky £6.76
3rd Kev £5.60
4th sliverfox £4.16
5th wbp £1.48
6th plymrob - £6.34
7th matchman - £14.47
£1.60 each
League table after 18 games
1st Alex £10.35
2nd trowell Nicky £8.36
3rd Kev £7.20
4th sliverfox £5.76
5th wbp £3.08
6th plymrob - £4.74
7th matchman - £12.87
League table after 19 games
1st Alex £9.35
2nd trowell Nicky £7.36
3rd Kev £6.20
4th sliverfox £4.76
5th wbp £2.08
6th plymrob -£5.74
7th matchman -£13.87
League table after 20 games
1st Alex £12.15
2nd trowell Nicky £6.36
3rd Kev £5.20
4th wbp £4.88⬆️
5th sliverfox £3.76⬇️
6th plymrob - £6.74
7th matchman -£11.07