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04/11/2019 7:06 PM  #1

Danny Corns

Today Ilkeston lost one of it's most respected citizens.

Danny was a regular in the Clocktower Stand until recently. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. 


Last edited by Matchman (05/11/2019 3:35 AM)


04/11/2019 8:14 PM  #2

Re: Danny Corns

Ilkeston Life

We are heartbroken to record the death of our much-loved colleague and local history expert Danny Corns, who passed away today.  
He was a regular contributor to our paper where his articles almost invariably brought a reader response. He was President of Ilkeston and District Local History Society. 
The picture shows Danny receiving a Mayor's Award from Cllr Mary Hopkinson in 2017.
We offer sincere condolences to Barbara and family.   

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04/11/2019 8:31 PM  #3

Re: Danny Corns

I spoke to him in the Clocktower stand about a month ago and he told me that his cancer was terminal. He said that he hoped to survive until Christmas. Sadly he didn't. A real Ilkeston legend and a lovely man.

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04/11/2019 9:30 PM  #4

Re: Danny Corns

I met Danny two months ago at the doctors. I was there for a routine blood test and I asked him "What you doing here?" and typical Danny he just told me in a matter of fact way about his illness. I was gutted! I hate going to the doctors and it alway has me in a panic but talking to Danny made me realise what a wimp I was being. 
I first met him at the Local History Society nearly thirty years ago and he encouraged me to study the history of Ilkeston because he made it so interesting. The group were studying the pubs of Ilkeston at the time and Danny Corns had turned up stories about the goings on in the local hostelries which were always entertaining and historically accurate we think. Unfortunately the  planned book never materialised as many of the characters that would have been part of it were either still alive or there families still lived in Ilkeston. I later found that he knew my grandfather and mother from living in Trowell. His family came from the Black Country like many of the Stanton workforce who lived on Crompton Street and like my father many of his illnesses could be traced back to the working conditions in the steelworks. 
They definitely don't make them like Danny Corns anymore. A true gentleman and a scholar! He will be sadly missed.


04/11/2019 9:53 PM  #5

Re: Danny Corns

I didn't know him personally but he sounds like was a great gentleman to be around with his knowledge of Ilkeston ..
RIP .....


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