Ross Durrant
Joe Wilson
Billy Bennett
Kieran Fenton
Joe Maguire
James Reid
Riece Bertram
Ollie Brown-Hill
Alex Troke
Nat Watson
Zak Goodson
Kole Lambert
Ben Clark
Tom Marshall
Richard Stainsby
Jack Thomas
Ricco Spencer
Ayleal Dill
Jamie Williamson
Mitchell Tait
James Cullingworth
Mason Lee
Alex Render
Kyle Bryant
If there is a particular player you would like to sponsor, be sure to stake your claim quickly as it's first come, first served.
Last edited by Matchman (22/9/2020 9:04 AM)
Supporters - Would you like to sponsor a player? You can now for the 2020/21 season.
If interested please email :
Would you like to sponsor your personal favourite player? Don't delay and risk someone beating you to it.
Payment can be by card, bank transfer, cash or cheque
If you wish to pay by Bank Transfer or card - Please email Mark Frost: in the first instance. Mark can take your card payment anytime.
Alternatively, payment can be made by cash or cheque prior to kickoff on match days in the office in the academy classrooms.
Last edited by Matchman (12/10/2020 2:16 PM)
If anyone would like more information about sponsoring, please feel free to message me here on WhiteBall.
Have you thought about jointly sponsoring a player with a friend and sharing the cost. If you do, both sponsor's names will be displayed in the match day programme and on the website. (but you only get one shirt)
The following players have now been sponsored :
Charlie Marzano
Joe Maguire
Ross Durrant
Last edited by Matchman (12/10/2020 2:47 PM)
The following players are now sponsored :
Player kindly sponsored by
Charlie Marzano - Leycroft Lighting
Joe Maguire - Kate Prewett
Ross Durrant - George Square Financial Management
Mitchell Tait - WhiteballProject
James Reid - Radar Finance
Zak Goodson - Motorclean
Mason Lee - Amy Brown
Players still available : Joe Wilson, Billy Bennett, Kieran Fenton, Riece Bertram, Ollie Brown-Hill, Alex Troke, Nat Watson, Kole Lambert, Ben Clark, Richard Stainsby, Jack Thomas, Ricco Spencer, Ayleal Dill, Jamie Williamson, James Cullingworth, Alex Render, Kyle Bryant.
Last edited by Matchman (22/10/2020 6:38 PM)
Why not sponsor a player before the big match against Hartlepool United?
Any one of the Ilkeston players could be a national hero on Saturday.
Any one of the Ilkeston players could be the scorer of the winning goal.
Any one of the Ilkeston players could be the hero in a penalty shootout
There's never been a better time to sponsor a player.
Kieran Fenton and Ollie Brown-Hill now sponsored
Alex Troke and Jack Thomas have now been sponsored