"The League will stage supplementary cup style competitions across all five divisions. These competitions will commence on Saturday 10th April 2021 and run until Mid-May 2021."
Many leagues have announced cup competitions to take place in April and May.
The Bedfordshire County League have announced a start date ; Saturday 10th April
Will this be the start date of theTommy Brookbanks tournament ? If so we have 5 weeks to wait.
From Calton Town website :
MARCH 7, 2021
With plans for the City Couriers Direct Football Tournament in place, but waiting to hear if the government will lift restrictions on supporters at non league level after bars are allowed to re open for outdoor service on Monday April 12th, it is fascinating to know that many other areas are planning similar tournaments, but most are waiting to see if Supporters will be allowed in.
The Essex Senior League, The Northern League and The Southern Counties East League are among leagues preparing to run tournaments in April and May, but only if spectators are allowed to attend to make the operation tenable.
With the significant drop in deaths, hospitalisations and the vaccine rollout now covering a third of the population in the U.K., there is hope that supporters may be allowed in grounds after the 12th April, all be it at a restricted level and the rollout of the tournament is dependent on that.
Tommy Brookbanks is the brainchild of the proposed Nottinghamshire tournament and is hopeful that will be the case.
A plan B is to hold a pre season tournament throughout July which the sponsors have said they will support, but the proposed Leagues committee is currently stuck in a holding position.
Finally details of Brian Dennett’s funeral will be announced in the coming days which this website understands will be streamed live, watch this space !
Last edited by Matchman (07/3/2021 7:15 PM)
The organisers of the newly proposed Nottinghamshire Football Tournament with the cup being named after the late Brian Dennett sponsored by “City Couriers Direct” have said they are pretty much in a holding position while they await further government guidance.
As things stand , supporters are set to be let into grounds on May 17th and the organisation Commitee are considering a proposal that if things don’t change, to play the group games between Tuesday 18th May and Saturday 5th June with two games being played on the end of May bank holiday weekend.
The competition would then break with the Quarter finals, semi Finals and Final being played from mid July with the final towards the end of July.
There is still hope that supporters may be let in during April with dramatic falls in Covid cases since the vaccination programme cranked up and the Nottingham Post reporting that 14 areas of the County have now surpressed the virus.
With this mind, the organisation Commitee are very much minded to be patient, after all they and the local football community have waited this long already!
If supporters are allowed in during April , the tournament will begin at the earliest opportunity but will not be played without fans.There is also the possibility of holding the tournament as a pre season event, but whatever the outcome, the competitions sponsors have stressed they are still very much on board.
Tommy Brookbanks, Mick Garton and Dick Durant are all being asked constantly for updates, with players in particular desperate to play some competitive football, but they are obviously in the hands of the government, they do however want players, supporters and local referees to know, that if it can happen, they will do everything possible to ensure it does and that there are various options on the table and that they will communicate further when there is something more definitive to announce, watch this space !!
watch this space is the name of the game here but its frustrating at the least but obviously safety is the main goal.
The organisers of the newly proposed Nottinghamshire Football Tournament with the cup being named after the late Brian Dennett sponsored by “City Couriers Direct” have said they are pretty much in a holding position while they await further government guidance.
As things stand , supporters are set to be let into grounds on May 17th and the organisation Commitee are considering a proposal that if things don’t change, to play the group games between Tuesday 18th May and Saturday 5th June with two games being played on the end of May bank holiday weekend.
The competition would then break with the Quarter finals, semi Finals and Final being played from mid July with the final towards the end of July.
There is still hope that supporters may be let in during April with dramatic falls in Covid cases since the vaccination programme cranked up and the Nottingham Post reporting that 14 areas of the County have now surpressed the virus.
With this mind, the organisation Commitee are very much minded to be patient, after all they and the local football community have waited this long already!
If supporters are allowed in during April , the tournament will begin at the earliest opportunity but will not be played without fans.There is also the possibility of holding the tournament as a pre season event, but whatever the outcome, the competitions sponsors have stressed they are still very much on board.
Tommy Brookbanks, Mick Garton and Dick Durant are all being asked constantly for updates, with players in particular desperate to play some competitive football, but they are obviously in the hands of the government, they do however want players, supporters and local referees to know, that if it can happen, they will do everything possible to ensure it does and that there are various options on the table and that they will communicate further when there is something more definitive to announce, watch this space !! "
The below is just my attempt at the way the Tournament may unfold.
I have no inside knowledge and it may be completely wrong
Assuming the tournament starts on Tue 18th May and from the information on dates provided in the above post, I’ve tried to work out how the competition might proceed.
16 clubs are participating and I’m assuming there will be 4 groups of 4 teams
Group 1 Teams A, B, C, D
Group 2 Teams E, F, G. H
Group 3 Teams I, J, K, L
Group 4 Teams M, N, O, P
Each team plays the other 3 teams in their group both home and away.
Group 1 matches
Tue 18th May A v B and C v D
Sat 22nd May C v A and D v B
Tue 25th May A v D and C v B
Sat 29th May B v A and D v C
Mon 31st May A v C and B v D
Sat 5th June D v A and B v C
similar match pairings on the same dates for teams in Groups 2, 3 and 4
The top 2 in each group of 4 go through to Qtr finals
There is then a six week break before the Quarter finals which will be part of the 2021-22 pre-season buildup.
Sat 17th Jul : Qtr Finals 4 matches (8 teams)
4 winners go through to semi finals
Sat 24th Jul : 2 x Semi finals
2 winners meet in final
Sat 31st Jul : Final
Last edited by Matchman (14/3/2021 6:52 PM)
I personally think we will be looking at a very long pre season. Players should not be wanting a break as they have not played for months. The League might even start the 2021-22 season a bit early just in case there are some interruptions later. I can see warm summer nights watching Ilson play local teams in a friendly but competitive tournament which reaffirms a recovery form this horrible pandemic!
WhiteBallProject wrote:
I personally think we will be looking at a very long pre season. Players should not be wanting a break as they have not played for months. The League might even start the 2021-22 season a bit early just in case there are some interruptions later. I can see warm summer nights watching Ilson play local teams in a friendly but competitive tournament which reaffirms a recovery form this horrible pandemic!
The suggested break may be to allow players and officials to take holidays which may well have been booked to coincide with the normal summer break between football seasons.
If the tournament were to be played as a pre-season competition it would probably have to start on Saturday 3rd or 10th July and this might be the schedule of matches :
Sat 3rd July Tournament 1st match (league basis)
Tue 6th July " 2nd match " "
Sat 10th July " 3rd match " "
Tue 13th July " 4th match " "
Sat 17th July " 5th match " "
Tue 20th July " 6th match " "
Sat 24th July " Quarter final
Tue 27th July " Semi final
Sat 31st July " Final
Tue 3rd Aug Free date
Sat 7th Aug FA Cup starts (extra preliminary round)
Sat 14th Aug Northern Premier League starts.
We could arrange additional pre-season friendlies on say Thursday nights.
It would be quite possible to play two midweek matches each week with the number of players we have available in the first team and the FCB team squads.
FCB players would probably be used in the Tournament against the weaker teams while Martin Carruthers could arrange the necessary tougher games for the first team squad.
Last edited by Matchman (15/3/2021 9:02 AM)
I take it the new pitch will be installed before the next season as stated ? So this will be hard to organise a pre season for home matches intake it.
kevilsonlad wrote:
I take it the new pitch will be installed before the next season as stated ? So this will be hard to organise a pre season for home matches intake it.
It's gone a bit quiet regarding the proposed 3G pitch. I don't know how long it takes to install one of these pitches from scratch but there's a possibility any pre-season matches might have to be played somewhere other than the NMG.
If we need to use another ground it is most likely to be one with a 3G pitch so that we can get used to playing on an artificial surface. Eastwood CFC springs to mind if it's available.
The Centra Midlands League (step 7) have announced a new competition to take place from 10 April. (see details below)
Two of the Central Midlands League teams; Blidworth and Linby, were to take part in the Tommy Brookbanks tournament and may now have to withdraw.
Plans For The Return Of Football In The CML
By Richard Lane
The following plans for the resumption of football in the Central Midlands League have been outlined
CMFL plans for the resumption of football within the League are as follows:
Training and playing of grassroots football can start from 29 March. Our plan is to let players and clubs organise training etc for this week, the following weekend (which is Easter) and the following midweek so that Competitive football resumes with its first fixture programme from SATURDAY 10 APRIL. There are 8 Saturdays to end of May + 7 Midweeks, so a total of 15 Matchdays available
The League’s Divisions
Premier North and South Leagues will be abandoned as 19/20. We will leave the records in place as per last season, but no Champions will be declared. This is the only practical solution as clubs did not wish to play into June. Instead, a “World Cup / Champions League style” competitive tournament will be organised, and details of this appear below.
Division One is different. Because the Leagues are smaller, we shall play these Leagues to a conclusion. With an offered extension into June, there is no reason why we can’t. We are keen to complete the divisions because we want to offer the Champion club in each division promotion to the Premier Division (subject to ground grading etc). However – we will NOT force clubs to take part in concluding the season if they decide against it. Should any club decide not to play on, their record will be expunged from the division but at this stage, it will not be treated as a resignation. Instead, the club goes into “hibernation” until the pre-season for 21/22. Should any clubs withdraw after the re-commencement of fixtures then normal rules and discipline measures will apply. Should for any reason the Leagues not be completed, the League reserve the option of declaring positions on a PPG basis if required.
We have heard many concerns from clubs that they do not wish to play matches without any sources of income and that is totally understandable. Here at Step 7 / Feeder League level we may have an advantage. It is clear that spectators are not allowed at Step 6 and above until mid-late May, but it is entirely possible that spectators MAY be allowed at Step 7 and below. We are awaiting the FA guidelines and this will follow after the DCMS make their own decisions.
Let’s be optimistic and look at the best chance of meaningful, competitive football from mid-April to the end of the season. Doing that means we plan for a best-case scenario, and if at a later point decisions are made that put restrictions in place to scupper spectator attendance then we’ll have to abandon the idea – but at least we’ll have tried. We have to plan now, and if it turns out that all fixture planning was a waste of time and everything is abandoned, then so be it – it’s only Chris’ time that’s been wasted, and he accepts that as a risk.
The Chairman’s Cup Format for the Premier Division Clubs
This is subject to the number of clubs taking part. Ideally, we would want all 31, and a word about that first. Our clubs asked us for football, but made it clear that they didn’t want to play to the end of June. That made completing the Leagues impossible. Instead, the clubs wanted a tournament, so that’s what has been organised, under our own sanctioning approved by our County FA, so why would clubs NOT want to play in it? Having said that, we’re not going to make it compulsory, but would encourage clubs to take part.
How the competition will be organised will depend on the number of clubs who want to take part. It will start with a group stage – if all 31 take part, then we’ll split it into six groups, five of five teams and one of six. If say we had 28 entrants, we may then look at seven groups of four. It will all come down to who wants to play football.
Groups will be arranged geographically to cut down on mileage and to offer attractive local derbies where possible, with teams playing each other home and away within the group. Should all 31 teams enter, there would be 8 matches, 10 in the 6-team group. Group winners, runners-up and 3rd team in group of six go through to Round of 16 plus three teams with next-best records as “Wild cards”. If there were 28 teams, seven group winners and runners-up plus two best 3rd placed teams as “wild cards” would go through. After that it would be a Round of 16 (or “Eighth Finals”), Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Final.
For the clubs who don’t make it through the group stage, we will have a “plate” competition; if we had all 31 involved that would be a Round of 16 (with one bye), QFs, SFs, Final. The format though will of course depend on how many teams enter the contest. This would give all clubs a minimum of 9 matches; be in the group of six and go all the way to the Final it’s a maximum of 14 matches. If we have smaller groups, the number of games goes down to a minimum of 7 games, and a maximum of 10.
First 5 Saturdays and five midweeks for group matches (10 April to 11 May)
Saturday 15 May - Round of 16
Midweek 18/19 May - QFs
Saturday 22 May - SFs
Saturday 29 May - Final
Player Qualification
Players must be registered with a club by the usual League 31 March deadline.
There are two special rules for the Premier Division’s Chairman’s Cup tournament:
1. Players cannot play in this competition until 28 days have elapsed since signing (for instance if you sign someone on deadline day, he can’t play in this competition until 28 April). This rule is to try and ease the potential situation of players from Steps 3-6 clubs dual signing with CMFL clubs. We can’t stop it, but it’s up to clubs how they manage their squads for this. Our view is that your players have stuck with you, give them the games they deserve.
2. To assist with playing time, clubs may name FIVE substitutes (as per normal) but can play up to FIVE substitutes during the game.
Finally, would all club Secretaries please check that your player insurance runs until the end of the season relevant to your club.
All clubs are entered in the relevant competitions and divisions – they have until 18.00 on FRIDAY 19 MARCH to indicate if they wish to withdraw.
Last edited by Matchman (17/3/2021 10:01 AM)
That could be a blow for the proposed Tournament if some clubs now have to withdraw. If any of the other Leagues decide that they want to do a similar thing it be a deathknell of the whole tournament! Shame really!
i suppose these things will happen with different wanting to do their own thing . no doubt it wont be the last change to the proposed tournament .
I think there may be a couple of teams we could invite to to replace any withdrawals but we could still go ahead with less than sixteen teams if necessary.
As long as East Midlands Counties League don't run their own competition, we should be alright. Eight of the sixteen teams in the Tommy Brookbanks are from the East Midlands Counties League. There's nothing on their their website so far to suggest they might. Sorry if we lose Blidworth as they were unbeaten with 10 wins and a draw from 11 matches played.
Some Step 5 and 6 leagues are running tournaments starting in April which suggests they are prepared start without fans in the early stages as the present ruling is no fans until 17 May.
Ollie Bayliss[/url] [url= ]@Ollie_Bayliss·1h
The Southern Counties Combination League (Step 5-7) will proceed with a supplementary cup. Premier & Division 1 cup games to begin on Sat 10th April. Groups with 4 teams play each other twice. Group ties to be finished by May 1st. Finals played from week commencing May 17th.
Premier Division is Step 5
Diivision 1 is Step 6
Last edited by Matchman (18/3/2021 9:32 AM)
It's a bit disappointing that certain leagues are prepared to play behind closed doors .
Unfortunately, there's not been any official updates on the Tommy Brookbanks tournament for a while.
What we know is that the go ahead for the tournament is dependent on the return of fans. Really hoping it can start before 17th May because, if not, then it's likely to be put back to being a 2021-22 pre-season tournament and If this happens, Ilkeston's first team are likely to favour their own pre-season plans.
Matchman wrote:
Unfortunately, there's not been any official updates on the Tommy Brookbanks tournament for a while.
What we know is that the go ahead for the tournament is dependent on the return of fans. Really hoping it can start before 17th May because, if not, then it's likely to be put back to being a 2021-22 pre-season tournament and If this happens, Ilkeston's first team are likely to favour their own pre-season plans.
The last sentence has been on my mind since the tournament was mentioned ...
Sorry I Missed this : LATEST UPDATE FROM CARLTON APRIL 20, 2021
Carlton Town have today announced their final friendly of the current season with Ollerton Town visiting Stoke Lane on Saturday 1st May.
Sadly the game will once again be behind closed doors with only club officials and volunteers allowed to attend.
The club have also revealed that the highly anticipated local tournament sponsored by Nottingham City Couriers Direct is now likely to take place in July after the government indicated they were not prepared to lift restrictions any earlier to enable spectators to attend.
League President Dick Durrant will write to clubs asking how many of the 16 committed still want to be involved and we will announce the results of that in due course.
If the Nottingham City Couriers Direct tournament is to go ahead, then Carlton Town will play their opening group games away from home.
Carlton will play an away friendly against Basford United in July and the big home friendly will be against Merthyr Town fc on Saturday 24th July and this website understands everyone at Carlton is really looking forward to this game.
The club have rolled over Season Tickets for next season and will have to do similar deals with their sponsors given the few number of games played at Stoke Lane last season.
To raise money, the club are hoping Supporters and Sponsors will get behind the Matchball Sponsorship packages and the sponsoring of individual players once Tommy and Mark announce their squad for the 2021/2022 season.
The club we understand are hoping to announce the involvement of a new sponsor coming on board in the coming days, watch this space !
Can't see Ilkeston's first team taking part in July as they will want to play more testing fixtures in the 2021-22 pre-season build-up.
Last edited by Matchman (23/4/2021 8:24 AM)