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16/5/2021 5:26 PM  #1

New signings

    Ilkeston Town FC[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/ilkestontown_fc]@ilkestontown_fc·24m  
NEW SIGNING | We are pleased to announce the signing of ex-Chesterfield, Sheffield, Matlock and Buxton midfielder, Charlie Wakefield! (@cwakefield00)
Click here to see his interview after becoming a Robin


Last edited by Matchman (17/5/2021 5:06 PM)


16/5/2021 8:10 PM  #2

Re: New signings


Will there be more new signings ?

One incoming player so far (Charlie Wakefield)

Three of last seasons first team regulars have gone (Nat Watson, Jack Thomas and Joe Wilson).

Has Kelvin Wilson been registered as a player?


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17/5/2021 5:05 AM  #3

Re: New signings

We can't really say much about Charlie as no no League history as such. Would like know how the gaffer knew as bout Charlie .
As for Kelvn Wilson I was thinking the same thing . A player this season ???


17/5/2021 5:10 PM  #4

Re: New signings

      Ilkeston Town FC[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/ilkestontown_fc]@ilkestontown_fc  
NEW SIGNING | We are pleased to announce the signing of ex-Derby County, Barnsley, Oregon State and Basford United midfielder, James Carvell. (@jamescarvell10)
Click here to see his interview after becoming a Robin 
 https://youtube.com/watch?v=jqZGxLFZ-d8 #OneTownOneClub  



Last edited by Matchman (17/5/2021 5:10 PM)

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